Area of a Semicircle

Learn how to find the area of a semicircle.

Area of a Semicircle Lesson

Semicircle Area Formula

The formula for area of a semicircle is given as:

A = 12πr2

Where A is the area and r is the radius.

area of a semicircle
The Formula for the Area of a Semicircle
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Area of a Semicircle Example Problems

Let's go through a couple of example problems together to practice finding the area of a semicircle.

Example Problem 1

What is the area of a semicircle with a radius of 5?


  1. Let's plug the radius into the area formula.
  2. A = 12πr2
  3. A = 12π(52) = 12.5π
  4. The area is 12.5π.

Example Problem 2

A semicircle's area is measured to be 4.5π square meters. What is the radius in meters?


  1. Let's plug the area into the formula.
  2. A = 12πr2
  3. 4.5π = 12πr2
  4. Now we will solve for the radius r.
  5. 4.5 = 12r2
  6. r2 = 9
  7. r = 3
  8. The radius is 3 meters.
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