Multiplying Negative Numbers

Learn how to multiply negative numbers.

Multiplying Negative Numbers Lesson

The Rule: How to Multiply Negative Numbers

The result of multiplying negative numbers is given as:

  • Negative number times negative number = positive number
  • Negative number times positive number = negative number
  • Positive number times negative number = negative number

This is because multiplying some number by a negative number flips the sign. So, if a positive number gets multiplied by a negative number, the positive number's sign gets flipped to negative.

Likewise, if a negative number gets multiplied by a negative number, the negative number's sign will get flipped to positive.

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Multiplying Negative Numbers Example Problems

Let's go through a couple of example problems together to practice multiplying negative numbers.

Example Problem 1

Solve (-4)(3).


  1. The negative 4 will flip the sign of the positive 3.
  2. (-4)(3) = -12

Example Problem 2

Solve (-10)(-2).


  1. The negative 10 will flip the sign of the negative 2.
  2. (-10)(-2) = 20
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